Boaters experiences in the Philippines suggestions

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i had 67 foot banka and lived on it off and on, dont get one over 50 foot, mine was way to big and nothing but problems, you can look around and probably have one built for around 6000 usually a used 4 cyl mitsubishi deisel with truck transmission  reefs are biggest problem, you can anchor it anywhere you want , i am to old now to live on a boat but iwould do it all again if i could, i have 30 footer now and it is a lot easier to use, but i think to small to live on

The majority of the coast is very shallow .I sailed up from OZ in a 45ftoor and we were limited mostly to where the big ships and ferries go only.Very diappointing .I remember wading Kilometers to get ashore
to buy stores in beauty spots.Fiber glass is a no no.

South of Dumaguete there is a creek near Seaton wiv a helluva alot of yachts ,some are for sale at knockdown cos some couples are old, or fed up with the limitations here in sailing.It can be done with charts
or local knowledge tho Dont for get Catamaran advised and watch out with fiberglass yuk

Usually around 28 yachts in harbour. Typhoon anchorage, some ex-yachties live ashore. Public transport to Dumaguete for provisions
and checking in/out with Customs and Immigration. Nora and Nigel Roberts run the Silver Lining Boat Works where they build catamarans.
Beware of fishing boats with stern lines 3/4 across channel.

Now one way is to go south of Dumma  to a place called Malatapay and ask a bike rider for Kookoos nest beach cottages ,Jamie the owner will fill you the harbour is right there .But I would go to Panorama hotel on the beach between Dumma airport and Sibulan every wed. the gang met there or in town at the Why Not inn on the promenade in the middle.Keep asking for the guy who builds catamarans  nr Tambobo bay,think his name is Nigel.In that creek there are alot of yachts etc. that never go anywhere.Also on that group you may have seen Larry or Shadow he knows everything about Dumma
 There are quite a few "yachties" living on boats throughout the
> Philippines. However, buy it here or pay more than it is worth in
> customs fees alone.
There are lots of fees! Coast guard taxes mooring fees marina dues and local fees Barangay city etc. Also you will need somebody on it 24hrs a day for security reasons. I have owned several boats here in the Philippines over the last 20 years. If you dont really need one or if you dont have a really good cash flow,I wouldnt bother. Local help do not really take care of the vessels they work on unless they are family owned.That is my own personal experience.Now when I need a boat I rent one with its own crew


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